4 Steps to Post-holiday Rejuvenation
Where’s the reset button? During hectic holidays, you’ll likely stress more, party more, eat and drink more, and get less time to sleep, exercise, and relax than during any other two week period of the year. We’re often left feeling “over”: overstuffed, overstressed, overtired, overwhelmed. Reset, replenish, refresh, and relax your way to post-holiday rejuvenation.
Reset your body
Feeling overstuffed after too many big holiday meals? Lighten up with these 8 tips.
moreReplenish your skin
Does your skin show signs of overindulgence? Freshen up with these 6 ideas.
moreRefresh your routine
Did your workouts fall by the holiday wayside? Check out 3 ideas for getting back in the fitness groove.
moreRelax your mind
Frazzled nerves after all the holiday goings-on? Find out 4 ways to soothe yourself.