Adult Vaccinations
Only 3% of Canadian adults are fully vaccinated. Keeping your adult vaccinations up to date is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones against many preventable diseases and their potentially serious complications. Health Canada recommends that adults not rely on their childhood vaccinations alone, but instead continue to vaccinate throughout their lives. Read on to learn more about Pharmasave’s Adult Vaccination Services.
*Certain vaccines may not be administered by a pharmacist in all provinces.

Vaccines aren’t just for kids! Adults need vaccines too
Keeping your vaccines up to date as an adult not only protects you, but also protects the vulnerable people who may be around you – young children, pregnant women and their babies, the elderly, the immunocompromised, and those who haven’t received an immunization yet.
Did you know that as we age our vaccine-acquired immunity decreases? Staying up to date on your adult vaccinations is an important way to prevent vaccine-preventable diseases, to reduce the spread of these diseases and to decrease complications if you do get sick.
Check with your Pharmasave pharmacist if:
- You’re not sure if you received your vaccines as a child or need to catch up
- You are trying to get pregnant or you are already pregnant
- You think you need a booster to increase the protection from a vaccine you had some time ago
- You are planning to travel
- You grew up in another country where the vaccination program may have been different from Canada’s current program
- You are immunocompromised
- You are older than 50
- You develop a chronic disease
- Your employer requires vaccination(s) due to exposure (healthcare workers, emergency responders, residential institution workers and more)
If you are not sure whether you are up to date with your vaccines, or if you aren’t sure about where to start, your Pharmasave pharmacist can help.
- Immunize Canada’s Q&A for Adult Vaccinations
- Pharmasave’s Immunization Record Booklet
- Personal Immunization Record Sheet

How our immune system changes
Our immune system weakens as we get older, especially once we reach 50 years of age. This makes us more vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases. It’s also true that the protection that we had gained against vaccine-preventable diseases from previous vaccinations decreases over time. That’s why adult vaccinations and boosters become increasingly important as we age.
Examples of recommended vaccines needed for older adults:
- Influenza (Flu)
- Tetanus and Diphtheria (Td)
- Pertussis (Whooping cough)
- Pneumococcal (Pneumonia)
- Varicella Zoster (Chickenpox)
- Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
- Hepatitis A and B
- And more*
*Check with your local Pharmasave pharmacist to find out which vaccines are appropriate for you.

Protecting yourself with vaccinations
The type and number of vaccinations you might need depend on several factors including health, medical conditions, age, vaccination history, pregnancy, type of employment, and more. Your Pharmasave pharmacist can help determine which vaccinations are recommended for your individual needs.
Recommended vaccinations for adults in Canada*:
- Herpes Zoster (Shingles) see video
- Pneumococcal polysaccharide (Pneumonia) see video
- Hepatitis A and B see video
- Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap) see video
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) see video
- Measles, Mumps and Rubella see video
- Meningococcal (Meningitis) see video
- Varicella Zoster (Chickenpox)
- Tetanus and Diphtheria (Td)
- Pneumococcal conjugate (Pneumonia)
- Influenza (Flu)
- COVID-19
- Polio
*Some vaccinations are government funded and some are private.
Planning on Travelling?
Don’t forget about your travel vaccinations. Some vaccinations require a series of doses to be protected.
Plan ahead and talk to your Pharmasave pharmacist about where you are travelling and which vaccinations are recommended*.
*Select locations may offer comprehensive travel consultations.
- Heath Canada: Vaccination for adults
- Keep track of your vaccinations with the free Canadian CanImmunize app
- Staying up to date
Ownership contacts

Let’s get you ready for your immunization appointment:
- You may be required to book an appointment (please check with your local Pharmasave pharmacy)
- You may be required to fill in a vaccination care and consent form
- Arrive at your appointment well hydrated
- Wear loose clothing with short sleeves
- You may be asked to stay in the pharmacy for 15 minutes or as determined by the pharmacist for observation
Staff and community members who aren’t feeling well, or have been told to self-isolate, please do not come to the pharmacy. Contact your pharmacy to reschedule your appointment.
To ensure that you and our staff are well-protected during the time spent in our pharmacies, there may be some safety protocols required at your local Pharmasave pharmacy.
Every Pharmacy offers a variety of different vaccination services. Please contact your location for specific details.
Did you know that you can get more than one vaccination during your appointment?
Ask your Pharmasave pharmacist which ones you can get at the same time.

Staying healthy while pregnant
It is a good time to review your vaccination status when you are pregnant or planning to be pregnant.
Planning on having a baby?
There are certain vaccinations that are better to receive before becoming pregnant. Plan ahead and speak to your pharmacist today about which vaccinations address your unique needs. Having a vaccination strategy in place is part of having a healthy pregnancy plan.
Did you know that pregnant women are encouraged by Health Canada to update their childhood vaccinations during their pregnancy? The protective antibodies that a pregnant woman develops as a result of getting vaccinated are then passed onto her unborn baby to protect them through the pregnancy.
Recommended vaccinations during pregnancy*:
- Inactivated Influenza (Flu)
- Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap)
- Hepatitis B
- Others, if you’re travelling, or as recommended by your pharmacist or doctor due to health conditions or other risk factors
*It’s important to make sure your other adult vaccinations are up to date as this is not an inclusive list.

Pharmasave pharmacists are highly trained, and injection certified to assist with your vaccination needs.
Your local Pharmasave location can offer you*:
Comprehensive vaccination care including:
- Assessing which vaccinations are recommend for you
- Confirming which vaccinations are covered by your government
- Working with your insurance plan for privately funded vaccinations
- Determining whether you can receive multiple vaccinations at the same time
- And more
Convenient vaccination services:
- Multiple Pharmasave locations
- Offering a wide range of vaccination options
Accessible vaccination records:
- Keep all your vaccination records at one location for easy access
- Use our eCare@Pharmasave app to view your vaccination history at Pharmasave locations conveniently from your phone, anywhere, anytime
*Each location varies and may offer different services. Certain vaccines may not be administered by a pharmacist in all provinces. Please check with you local Pharmasave for details.