Health Topics ...about the flu? Here are some common flu myths, busted. Flu myth: "I am already vaccinated and therefore protected from the flu." Truth: Although the flu vaccine does provide protection...Read more
Health Topics ...flu shot cannot cause the flu, since it never contains any live virus. Will I need to be vaccinated against new strains of flu, like the H1N1 virus?Flu shot requirements...Read more
Health Topics ...the flu virus specifically. They treat symptoms of the flu and help prevent the spread of flu. They include: Ways to prevent spreading the flu: frequent, proper hand-washing with soap...Read more
Health Topics ...about 2 per year. Many people confuse the flu with a bad cold. The following table highlights the differences between influenza and the common cold: Symptom Flu Cold Fever Usually...Read more
Health Topics ...who doesn’t look sick. So what’s your best bet? Defence! Ask your health care provider about getting the flu shot. The flu shot is the single best way to prevent...Read more
Health Topics ...flu infection if someone in the house is infected with the flu. If your child does get the flu, contact your doctor as soon as symptoms appear to find out...Read more
Health Topics Your child has caught the flu and now you must take care of them. Unfortunately, even if you’ve had a flu shot, it’s still possible to get the flu. Here’s...Read more
Health Topics Antivirals are medications used to prevent and treat infections caused by viruses. Flu antivirals work against the flu, which is caused by influenza A and influenza B viruses. Antivirals, if...Read more
Medications This medication belongs to a group of medications known as vaccines. It is used to prevent influenza (the flu). Influenza is a common viral illness caused by 2 types of virus: influenza A and influenza B. Each...Read more
Medications This medication belongs to a group of medications known as vaccines. It is used to prevent influenza (the flu). Influenza is a common viral illness caused by 2 types of virus: influenza A and influenza B. Each...Read more
Medications This medication belongs to a group of medications known as vaccines. It is used to prevent influenza (the flu). Influenza is a common viral illness caused by 2 types of virus: influenza A and influenza B. Each...Read more
Medications This medication belongs to a group of medications known as vaccines. It is used to prevent influenza (the flu). Influenza is a common viral illness caused by 2 types of virus: influenza A and influenza B. Each...Read more
Medications This medication belongs to a group of medications known as vaccines. It is used to prevent influenza (the flu). Influenza is a common viral illness caused by 2 types of virus: influenza A and influenza B. Each...Read more
Medications This medication belongs to a group of medications known as vaccines. It is used to prevent influenza (the flu). Influenza is a common viral illness caused by 2 types of virus: influenza A and influenza B. Each...Read more
Medications This medication belongs to a group of medications known as vaccines. It is used to prevent influenza (the flu). Influenza is a common viral illness caused by 2 types of virus: influenza A and influenza B. Each...Read more
Medications This medication belongs to a group of medications known as vaccines. It is used to prevent influenza (the flu). Influenza is a common viral illness caused by 2 types of virus: influenza A and influenza B. Each...Read more
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