Safety Outdoors
Enjoying the outdoors is a great way to get exercise and fresh air. Here are some pointers on staying safe and dealing with common health issues.
It's in the water!
Even in crystal-clear mountain streams or chlorinated swimming pools, invisible creatures are lurking that can make you sick. What are these "bugs," and how can you avoid them?
moreTick trouble
Getting bitten by ticks can be more than a nuisance. Ticks can spread various illnesses, Lyme disease being the most common. How do you protect yourself?
moreHay fever
You may call them hay fever, but seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis, can be triggered by different types of pollen, but not by hay.
morePoison ivy
Contact dermatitis is another kind of allergy, one that appears as a skin rash. One of the most common triggers of contact dermatitis is poison ivy.