Allergy and Asthma
Millions of Canadians suffer from allergies and asthma. When your immune system identifies a normally harmless material as a threat, it can set off symptoms like sniffles, sneezes, rashes, or breathing problems.
Hay fever
You may call them hay fever, but seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis, can be triggered by different types of pollen, but not by hay.
morePoison ivy
Contact dermatitis is another kind of allergy, one that appears as a skin rash. One of the most common triggers of contact dermatitis is poison ivy.
moreAllergy shots
If you have severe allergies, you or your allergist might have considered allergy shots. But are all those needles worth it?
moreA nose for relief?
Your medication may be available in more formulations than you realized. Here's a look at the pros and cons of nasal sprays.