Acne: It's Not Just for Teens
You may have thought you had outgrown zits when you outgrew arguing with your parents about curfew. But pimples can persist into adulthood, and acne at any time in your life can leave physical and emotional scars.
Causes of adult acne
You peer sleepy-eyed into the mirror in the morning. And what a rude awakening: wrinkles and pimples?
moreTreating adult acne
Acne comes in all shapes and sizes – the plugged-up pores of blackheads and whiteheads, deep lumpy cysts beneath the skin, or red, raised pimples. Ways to treat acne vary, too, and may depend on the type and severity of your blemishes and breakouts.
moreWhat can you do about acne scars?
You don't have to live with the visual reminders of acne breakouts forever.
moreBabies get acne, too?
A baby's skin is usually delicate and unblemished. But for about one in five newborns, a first acne breakout comes long before puberty.