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How to use a nasal spray*

Blow your nose gently.
Wash your hands well with soap and water.
Remove the packaging from the nasal spray pump.
Some nasal sprays need to be primed before use. As well, some nasal sprays need to be shaken. Check with your pharmacist to see whether your nasal spray needs to be primed or shaken. If your spray needs to be primed before using, spray it a few times into the air and keep it well away from your eyes.
Close one nostril and keep your head upright, but not tilted backward.
Insert the nasal spray tip into the other nostril. Keep the bottle pointing upright, and point the tip toward the back and outer side of the nose.
Administer the required number of sprays into the nostril. Remember to breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose as you depress the applicator, and breathe out through your mouth after each spray.
Remove the nasal spray tip from your nose and tilt your head back.
If needed, repeat steps 5 to 8 in the other nostril, as directed by your doctor or pharmacist.
Put the cap back onto the nasal spray container.
Try not to blow your nose for several minutes after using the spray.

*Many different medications come as nasal sprays. This information is intended to provide general instructions for the use of a nasal spray. Instructions may vary for different products. If these instructions are different from those given by your doctor or pharmacist, check with your doctor or pharmacist to confirm how you should be using the product. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for specific information about your particular medication.

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