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Senior sex: Romance, Act Two

Canadians enjoy intimacy well into their golden years. As more and more people are realizing, sex and romance don't stop after 60... or 70, 80, or 90. The question is, how do you keep the passion blazing as time goes by?

In 2016, the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN) (a non-profit organization that provides information about sexual and reproductive health) conducted a sex survey among 2,400 Canadians between the ages of 40 to 59. Almost all participants agreed that their sexual health contributes to their overall quality of life. About half of the respondents had intercourse once a month or more. Overwhelmingly, survey respondents declared that sex is not just for the young.

While that's true, sex won't be the same as when we were young. As we age, our bodies change, and that can affect our sexuality. Both men and women may take longer to become aroused, and may find they have less stamina. It can also take longer to feel satisfied. The hormonal changes of menopause can cause vaginal dryness or discomfort in women. Men may find their erections aren't as firm or large, and orgasms are less intense. Rather than give up on sex, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about treatment options, such as lubricants for women and medication for men.

There are other reasons that sex may become more challenging, such as a new disability or health problem, lack of self-confidence, or the side effects of prescription medications. Explore ways to reduce the impact of these factors, whether it's talking to your doctor about switching drugs, treating an underlying health issue, or having an honest discussion with your partner about your changing needs and abilities.

It's also good to be open-minded - try new positions or having sex at the time of day you have the most energy, for example. Remember that sex is not only about intercourse, and intimacy is not just about sex. There are other ways to satisfy yourself and your partner and bring you closer together.

While the notion of sex for life is a tantalizing one, there is one warning you should heed. All this pleasurable activity among older adults has resulted in a not-so-sexy problem: an increase in sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, among American seniors. Age does not make you immune to STIs. In fact, more than 50% of those who live with AIDS are 50 or older.

Find out your status - get tested for HIV. Talk to your doctor about sexually transmitted infections. If you are becoming intimate with a new partner, use protection. After all, you don't want anything to get in the way of the rest of your sex life!

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