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Managing the emotional impact of psoriasis

Psoriasis varies in severity from person to person as well as from time to time in a person's life, so it's necessary to be prepared for whatever it might do next. At times the flare-ups may be quite mild and difficult for other to see, but at other times they may be highly visible and obvious to all. Medical conditions that are outwardly visible can bring their own set of challenges, because the person affected has to deal not only with the condition itself but also with the reactions (and perceived reactions) of the outside world.

Although there is no cure for psoriasis, there are things you can do in addition to taking medications to help manage your symptoms. By gaining more control over psoriasis, you can help to improve your own quality of life.

Educate your family and friends. Tell them what to expect with your condition and what kind of support you need. Encourage questions. Good communication goes far in preventing misunderstandings and alleviating stress. Since stress is a known trigger for flare-ups, lowering your stress level can help to reduce symptoms and lessen its negative impact on your social life and overall health.

Be open with your colleagues as well. While it may be difficult to discuss your condition with people you are not close to, in the long run, it may be easier than spending time and energy trying to hide your psoriasis or feeling embarrassed about what others may be thinking.

Join a support group. Talk to others who have psoriasis. It helps to talk and laugh with others who face the same challenges. They may know all about not wanting to wear shorts even though it's hot outside, and may have experience dealing with strangers' curious glances.

Talk to your doctor and other health care providers. Decide what your needs are and know that plenty of support is available. If you have questions about psoriasis, write them down and bring them with you on the next visit. Your pharmacist is also a valuable source of information, so be sure to ask them questions about your medications. Others may find it helpful to talk to a counsellor or social worker for ways to help deal with the social and emotional impact of the condition.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2024. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source:

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