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Select Pharmasave pharmacies in BC are providing COVID-19 vaccines for eligible people. Appointments must be booked through the BC Provincial COVID-19 Get Vaccinated system. Please access this system to view appointment availability at your local Pharmasave.

Eligible Patients: Find a vaccinating pharmacy near you and book your appointment

Find vaccine location button.

All residents 6 months and older are eligible to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in British Columbia. Note that pharmacies in BC are only providing COVID-19 vaccines to people aged 12 and older as per the BC COVID-19 Immunization Plan.

Check eligibility here button.

Prepare for Your Appointment

  • You will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and risk factors. If you have COVID-19 symptoms or have been told to self-isolate, do not come to the pharmacy.
  • You will be asked to complete a consent form. You can complete the consent form at home and bring it with you to the pharmacy. A consent form is available here.
  • Please follow any face covering recommendations if in place or recommended.
  • Bring your health card with you to the pharmacy.
  • Wear loose clothing with short sleeves. The vaccine will be given in your upper arm.
  • Arrive on time for your appointment and not early.
  • Limit the number of people who come to the pharmacy.
  • After your vaccine you will be asked to wait in the pharmacy for 15 minutes or as determined by the pharmacist.

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