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Socks as Medicine

Socks as Medicine Compression stockings are popular for their numerous health benefits, particularly in improving leg circulation and preventing various leg-related issues, including blood clots. These specially designed stockings offer a range of advantages that cater to individuals of all ages and lifestyles. Key Benefits of Compression Stockings: Enhanced Blood Flow: Compression stockings help promote […]

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Mindful Malleability

Neuroplasticity is your brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new connections between neurons, allowing it to adapt and learn throughout your life. An example would be if you are used to using one route to get to a destination, and that route is blocked, neuroplasticity would help you work out and follow and alternate […]

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Sleeping Slim

It’s not unreasonable to think that eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly should help you with weight management along with general good health. But there is yet another bastion of good health and healthy weight to consider. Its name is SLEEP. When you don’t get enough restful sleep (less than 7 hours) three negative […]

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The Exercise Paradox

When you are trying to manage your weight, it makes sense to think that adding exercise will help you burn more calories and thus lose unhealthy fat. Unfortunately this is a bit of a misconception. Studies have shown that dieters who exercise as well as manage caloric intake don’t really lose any more weight than […]

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Metabolism Paradox

If you have made some lifestyle changes to lose unhealthy weight, you may wonder why weight loss seemed rapid at first but then started to slow down. This is partly because your metabolism was adapted to your heavier body mass and when that mass reduced, so did your metabolism. One of the most unfair realities […]

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Muscles from Sunshine?

Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for building and maintaining muscle mass in the body. It works in multiple ways to support muscle health. One of the key roles of vitamin D is to enhance the absorption of calcium in the body. Calcium is an essential mineral that helps to build and maintain strong bones, […]

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Good Bugs and Big Muscles

Good Bugs and Big Muscles What is the relationship between probiotics and muscle growth? The gut biome refers to the collection of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms that live in the digestive tract. These microorganisms play a crucial role in maintaining overall health by helping to digest food, absorbing nutrients, and regulating the immune […]

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Travel Health Tips: Jet Lag

Travel Health Tips: Jet lag Jet lag is a temporary sleep disorder that can occur when you travel across multiple time zones quickly, which creates a disruption to your circadian rhythm or “internal clock”. This disruption can lead to fatigue, insomnia, digestive issues, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Here are some tips to help you minimize […]

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