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5 Ways you Might be Doing Keto Wrong

Ketosis is an energy state where your body uses fat as a source for ketone bodies, a fuel source generated from stored fat and used in place of carbohydrate sugars. Many people are utilizing a ketogenic diet in an attempt to lose excess body fat, but here are some of the things they may be doing wrong and thus slowing down their progress or creating other negative outcomes:


  1. Too much fat. The emphasis should be “healthy” fats for a ketogenic diet. These include foods like olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocadoes, and fatty fish. Excessive amounts of fat nullify calorie deficit and can prevent weight loss or even lead to weight gain.
  2. Not enough salt. When your body is in ketosis, it does not retain salt as it would in the presence of insulin. It is important to get enough salt in order to maintain proper electrolyte balance and avoid symptoms like nausea and muscle cramping. Two important salts to have sufficient levels of are sodium and potassium. The good news is you can maintain healthy levels of these salts by liberally salting your food or taking supplements. Speak to your doctor or a nutritional consultant to determine your best course of action.
  3. Not enough vegetables. An incorrect view of the “keto” diet is it consists mostly of meat, oils, and high-fat dairy. Fiber is tremendously important, and getting at least four cups of keto-friendly vegetables into your daily diet is essential. Your diet is more than just macronutrients like fat, protein, and carbohydrate. Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) are crucial to good health and vegetables are a rich source. Make sure you are getting sufficient dark green leafy vegetables, as well as cruciferous vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower) in your diet. Supplementation with a multivitamin is also beneficial.
  4. Too much dairy. While dairy is generally okay within a keto diet, it’s important to note that some dairy does also have carbohydrates. If, instead of getting enough water, you choose to drink 2% milk, you’ll be including more carbohydrates in your diet. Once you start to ingest more than 50g of carbohydrates in a day, you begin to risk your body transitioning out of ketosis and losing the ketogenic benefits including weight loss and brain function. It may be helpful to remind yourself that milk is a food rather than a drink.
  5. Not enough water. Again, if your body is in ketosis there is a minimal insulin response. Insulin tells your body to retain water and salt. If insulin is not present then it is important to make certain you are well hydrated by drinking 1.5-2L of water daily. It’s important to mention again that the elimination of water through urine will also eliminate salts and so replenishing both is essential.


Speak to the Live Well Team at Pharmasave Summerland about the “keto” lifestyle and how it can benefit you.


Dan Cassidy, Nutritional Product Advisor