Store Information
Pharmasave Portage commenced operations in 2020. The owner and pharmacist, Caitlin Giercke, has been practicing since 2006 and has successfully built a dedicated team to serve Portage la Prairie and its surrounding areas effectively.
Your health and well-being are our highest priorities. We are committed to delivering exceptional pharmaceutical care, personalized advice, and a comprehensive range of healthcare services tailored to meet your unique needs. Whether you are refilling a prescription or seeking expert guidance, we are here to assist you every step of the way.
Our team includes a registered nurse, and we also offer fitting services for compression garments, mastectomy bras and forms, as well as bracing solutions for sports injuries or osteoarthritis. We also provide specialized compounding, immunizations, and pill packing services. We provide complimentary delivery service within Portage la Prairie, including Southport.