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Asthma Management Consultation

Whether you are newly diagnosed with asthma or have been on medication for years, you may benefit from an Asthma Management Consultation. Many patients are not up to date with the newest asthma management guidelines. Our pharmacist can ensure that you are properly managing your asthma and make sure you are not at risk for complications. 


What to expect from an Asthma Management Consultation with our pharmacist 

The pharmacist will review the use of your inhalers, assess the severity and control of asthma symptoms and provide you with a written asthma care plan. This will cover things like dealing with exacerbations and symptoms management. If any changes in therapy are recommended, the pharmacist can communicate with your healthcare provider to make changes. 


How much does an Asthma Management Consultation cost? 

The asthma management consultation costs $45. If you have a valid Ontario Health Number AND meet specific eligibility you may be covered. Please speak with our pharmacist to determine eligibility. 


Click here to book online OR call us at the store.