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Flu vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones against the flu and its potentially serious complications. Health Canada recommends that everyone 6 months and older get the annual flu vaccine.



Please ensure you read the following information before booking your appointment.

  • Each person MUST bring a completed Flu Consent form with them to the appointment
    The form is available here:  FLU CONSENT FORM


  • Please arrive ON TIME for your appointment. If you are early, please wait in your vehicle until your scheduled appointment time to avoid crowds in the store (to help us maintain COVID safety protocols regarding a number of people in the store at one time). After your vaccine, you may choose to wait the required 10-15 minutes in your vehicle if you are with another person and if it is not your first time getting a flu vaccine.


  • To qualify for a publicly funded flu vaccine, you must meet at least ONE of the following criteria:
    • Age 65 years or older, or household contact with someone in this age group
    • Age 5 to 64 with an underlying chronic health condition (ex. asthma, diabetes, heart disease, etc.), or household contact with someone in this age group
    • Household contacts with children under 5 years old
      (please note pharmacies cannot vaccinate children under 5 years old)
    • Visitors to health care facilities
    • Health care workers
    • Essential community service providers (ex. first responders, corrections workers)
    • Pregnant women
    • First Nations peoples


  • Please remember to wear a short-sleeved shirt to your appointment