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Abduction – to draw away from the midline of the body or from an adjacent part or limb.

Aeration – to expose (a medium or tissue) to air.

AF300 Filter – The Hollister AF300 integrated ostomy pouch filter is available on some drainable and closed pouches. The “AF” stands for Air Flow and “300” represents the 300 mm2 air fl ow surface area, allowing for gas release while containing the odour.

Angora – wool made from the hair of an angora goat or rabbit.

Amplitude – the amount by which a voltage or current changes from zero or an average value.

Anodized – to coat a metal, especially magnesium or aluminum, with a protective film by chemical or electrolytic means.

Antepartum – the period prior to childbirth; before delivery.

Anterior – located on or near the front of an organ or on the stomach surface of the body in humans.

Autoclavable – able to withstand the action of a heavy vessel for conducting chemical reactions under high pressure.

Bariatric – a branch of medicine that deals with the control and treatment of obesity and allied diseases.

Cervical – of or pertaining to the cervix or neck.

Cetrimide – a powerful disinfectant.

Closed Pouch – A pouch without an opening at the bottom. When 1/3 – 1/2 full, it must be removed and discarded. May be used for intimate moments, swimming or special events.

Coccyx – a small triangular bone at the base of the spinal column in humans, consisting of several fused rudimentary vertebrae; also called a tailbone.

Colostomy – An ostomy (surgical opening) in the large intestine that is brought through the abdominal wall.

ComfortWear Pouch Panels – Lining over the plastic of the pouch to enhance comfort and discretion. The soft pouch panels may be on one or both sides of the pouch.

Convalescent – a person who is recovering from illness.

Convexity – a shape that curves or bulges outward.

Convex Skin Barrier – The skin barrier is shaped to press more deeply around the stoma. It may be used when the stoma does not protrude from the abdomen or may correct irregularities on the skin around the stoma such as creases or scars.

Convoluted – rolled up together or with one part over another.

Cut-to-Fit Skin Barrier – A skin barrier that can be cut to the right size and shape of the stoma. May be used when the stoma is irregularly shaped or until post-operative stomal swelling subsides.

Dimpled Barrier Technology – A SoftFlex barrier feature where numerous indentations (dimples) on the skin barrier do not contact the skin, allowing for enhanced barrier fl exibility.

Drainable Pouch – A pouch with an opening at the bottom. An integrated closure or clamp is used to keep the pouch closed until it requires emptying.

Edematous – swollen with an excessive accumulation of fluid.

Enterostomal Therapy Nurse – A nurse who cares for individuals with wound, ostomy and continence challenges.

Epoxy – tough, very adhesive, and resistant to chemicals. They are used to make protective coatings and glues.

Ergonomic – equipment designed, usually for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort.

Extended Wear Skin Barriers – A skin barrier with special additives that achieve a stronger adhesive seal and are more resistant to breakdown from ostomy output. A skin barrier choice for urostomies and ileostomies. It is not recommended to use skin prepping agents under extended wear barriers. Hollister’s extended wear barrier is Flextend.

Exudate – a fluid that has oozed out of a tissue or its capillaries due to injury or inflammation.

Filter – Allows gas to escape, preventing the pouch from ballooning, and contains the odour.

Flange – projection used for strength or for attaching to another object.

Flange – The plastic ring on a two piece ostomy system that is used to connect the barrier and pouch together.

Flat Skin Barrier – Generally used when the stoma protrudes well from the abdomen.

Flextend Skin Barrier – An extended wear skin barrier that has strong adhesion and is designed to be more resistant to breakdown from ostomy discharge. May be the barrier choice for ileostomies and urostomies.

FlexWear Skin Barrier – A standard wear barrier that has good adhesion and can resist ostomy output erosion. Slightly less resistant to breakdown compared to the Flextend skin barrier. Designed to be worn for more than one day.

Floating Flange – Available on all two piece Hollister barriers. Allows for fi ngers to be put under the fl ange for support while attaching the pouch and barrier together, ensuring a secure connection without applying pressure to the abdomen.

Gastroesophageal Reflux – a chronic condition in which acid from the stomach flows back into the lower esophagus, causing pain or tissue damage.

Hydrocolloid – a substance that forms a gel with water.

Hydrogel – a gel in which the liquid is water.

Ileostomy – An ostomy (surgical opening) in the small intestine that is brought through the abdominal wall.

Irrigation – A procedure used to control the time of elimination from the colostomy. It is not for everyone and requires special equipment and teaching.

Karaya Skin Barrier – Karaya is a natural skin barrier. It may be used for sensitive skin or, in some cases, where there is sensitivity to other products.

Knurled – one of a series of small ridges or grooves on the surface or edge of a metal object, such as a thumbscrew, to aid in gripping.

Lock ’n Roll Microseal – Hollister’s patented integrated system for closing the bottom of a drainable pouch. It utilizes over a thousand interlocking fasteners to create a secure, easy to use closure. The exclusive curved closure rests comfortably against the body’s natural curves.

Lumbo-Sacral – of or pertaining to the loins and sacrum; as, the lumbosacral nerve, a branch of one of the lumber nerves which passes over the sacrum.

Malodorous – having an unpleasant or offensive odor; smelling bad.

Media – the middle layer of an artery or lymphatic vessel.

Metatarsal – any bone of the foot between the ankle and the toes.

Nebulizer – a device that reduces liquid to an extremely fine cloud, especially used for delivering medication to the deep part of the respiratory tract.

Necrosis – death of cells or tissues through injury or disease, especially in a localized area of the body.

Neoprene – a synthetic rubber that is resistant to oils and aging; used in waterproof products.

Occlusive – of or being a bandage or dressing that closes a wound and keeps it from the air.

Odour-Barrier Pouch – An odour-barrier pouch is highly resistant to allowing odours to pass through the pouch fi lm. The odour-barrier quality increases confi dence when wearing a pouch.

Orthopedic – the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention or correction of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated muscles, joints, and ligaments.

Pre-sized Skin Barrier – A skin barrier that is already cut to the correct size of the stoma if the stoma is round.

Polyethylene – a lightweight thermoplastic; used especially in packaging and insulation.

Polyurethane – any of various synthetic resins used to make tough resistant coatings, adhesives, foams, and electrical insulation.

QuietWear Fabric – The pouch fabric panel and fi lm are laminated together to help eliminate uncomfortable noise.

Rustle-Free Pouch – A Rustle-Free Pouch will not make noise during normal wear and provides ultimate discretion.

Sedentary – accustomed to sit or rest a great deal or to take little exercise.

Skin Barrier – Portion of the pouching system that protects the skin from contact with ostomy discharge. It also provides an adhesive attachment for the pouching system to the body. Examples include Flextend, FlexWear, SoftFlex and Karaya.

SoftFlex Skin Barrier – SoftFlex is a standard wear skin barrier that provides a gentle adhesive attachment to the skin. It is designed to limit skin damage with frequent removal and can be changed daily (or more often).

Standard Wear Skin Barrier – A skin barrier that provides a gentle adhesive attachment to the skin. The barrier absorbs less and disintegrates faster than extended wear skin barriers. Hollister’s standard wear barriers are FlexWear and SoftFlex.

Stasis – an abnormal state in which the normal flow of a liquid (such as blood) is slowed or stopped.

Stoma – a surgically constructed opening, especially one in the abdominal wall that permits the passage of waste after a colostomy or ileostomy.

Tape Border – Portion of the skin barrier that provides additional adhesion and enhances security.

Tapless Border – Skin barrier option for those who prefer a system without tape.

Torso – the trunk of the human body.

Urostomy – An ostomy (surgical opening) that is brought through the abdominal wall and drains urine.

Urostomy Pouch – A pouch with an integrated drain valve at the bottom so urine can be emptied quickly and easily. A gold tear drop can be visualized when the drain valve is open.

Wear Time – The length of time a product can be worn before failure. Wear time varies widely based upon a variety of factors.