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Vitamin Programs

vitaminHere at Parkdale Pharmasave, we are always striving to improve the health of the community around us. That’s why we are proud to announce the start of two new vitamin programs:






Healthy Kids Free Vitamin Program


As any parent can tell you, getting children to eat their vegetables can be tricky. Making sure that your children are eating a well-balanced, nutritional diet is an important part of their development. So, that is why we are introducing our new program to encourage health and wellness in young children. We are providing a year’s supply of free multi-vitamins to families in the area with children aged 2 and up.


Pregnant woman holding a blue flower bouquet. vitamin


Parental Free Vitamin Program


It has been proven that prenatal vitamins play a vital role in healthy pregnancies and healthy babies. Parkdale Pharmasave’s Prenatal Free Vitamin Program is another way that we are helping our customers stay healthy.

For more information about how prenatal vitamins can help improve the health of you and your baby, the Mayo Clinic has published a study that reflects the importance of an increase in iron and folic acid.

Read more here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/in-depth/prenatal-vitamins/art-20046945


Join Today!


When you complete and submit the registration form, our pharmacy team will give you your vitamin package. This includes: a month’s supply of vitamins, a tracking punch card, and a BOGO coupon for any Pharmasave brand product. Absolutely free!

To receive a registration form, or to answer any questions, come in to visit us at 205 Melvin Avenue Hamilton. Or give us a call or text at (905) 543 – 8880.

Make sure to ask about our pharmacy’s new texting notification option when you come in.


Mother and baby outside in the sun.