Book Appointment
To book an appointment at our 29 Toronto Street location (in downtown Uxbridge in the Toronto Street Medical Centre next to the library), please click the following link:
When booking an appointment at our Toronto Street location, parking is always free. We also have 3 reserved short-term parking spots in front of the pharmacy entrance for your convenience.
To book an appointment at our Oak Tree branch location (in the Oak Tree Medical Centre next to the Uxbridge Hospital), please click the following link:
When booking an appointment at our Oak Tree location, please note that parking is free for 30 minutes. On the hospital-side (east entrance), we have 4 designated short-term spots in front of the pharmacy where you will not require a ticket to park. If these are occupied or if you require an accessible entrance, you may park on the west side of the building and enter through the main entrance of the Oak Tree Medical Centre. If the gates are down, please take a ticket and we will validate 30 minutes for you.
Thank you and be well,
Sam, Sherry, and Evelyn