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COVID 19 Vaccinations

What you need to know about getting a COVID-19 vaccination

Getting a COVID-19 vaccination is one of the most effective ways to protect against COVID-19 and prevent the spread. Vaccines will be available at no charge over the course of 2021 to everyone in Canada. Health Canada recommends everyone 16 or 18 years and older, depending on the type of COVID-19 vaccine, should get immunized.

We are currently providing COVID-19 vaccines to patients aged 75+ by appointment only.

Walk-ins cannot be accommodated, please book your appointment in advance. The vaccine requires two doses booked 38 to 42 days apart. We recommend you book both appointments at the same time and at the same location.

Due to high demand and limited supply of the vaccine, there may be delays in your ability to book an appointment. Rest assured, we understand the importance and are working hard to accommodate as many people as possible within our capacity.

Safety Protocols Are in Place

To keep our staff and patients safe, we are following all COVID-19 health and safety regulations in our store.

✓ You will be required to book an appointment

  • Please call the store at 403-588-3195 to make an appointment for a COVID 19 vaccination

✓ You will be screened for COVID-19 before your appointment and on the day of your appointment

✓ Staff and community members who aren’t feeling well, are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, have travelled the last 14 days or have been in close contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 will not be allowed to enter the pharmacy

✓ You will be required to wear a mask/face covering

✓ Pharmacists will wear appropriate protective gear

✓ We have increased sanitizing of surfaces between visits with the pharmacist

✓ All necessary infection prevention and control measures will be in place in the pharmacy to ensure physical distancing:

  • Our pharmacy layout may be different
  • Fewer people will be able to be in the pharmacy at one time

Speak with your Pharmasave pharmacist for specific details about getting your COVID-19 vaccination.