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School lunch bag safety

Time and space constraints in schools mean that students often toss lunch bags into a shared classroom bin, cubbies, lockers, or other storage spaces. Sometimes bins are kept outdoors, exposing lunches to heat or cold. Most schools simply cannot offer students space in a refrigerator to keep their food safe from bacteria or cross-contamination. Parents can prevent foodborne illness by practicing a few simple safety habits:

Pack for posterity: The foods that can "keep" the longest are a better bet for lunch bags.

  • Minimize highly perishable foods, like mayonnaise, eggs, butter, milk-based products, and even those popular lunch meat combos kids seem to love.
  • Opt for non-perishable foods and drinks - water, whole and dried fruits, crackers and chips, cereals and breads, or nuts and seeds.
  • Sandwiches make an easy go-to choice, but keep in mind that lunch meats and tuna require refrigeration to stay safe. Old-fashioned peanut butter and jelly may be nixed from many menus because of fear of food allergies, but it is a natural in a sack lunch because it won't go bad.

Pack with temperature in mind: Depending on schedules, your child's lunch will need to "keep" for at least 2 to 3 hours.

  • If food should be eaten cold, use frozen freezer packs or an insulated lunch box.
  • If food should be eaten hot, heat food before your child leaves for school and store in a heat-preserving container or thermos.
  • Freeze a juice box or yogurt snack ahead of time and use these items to keep other foods cool until mealtime.
  • Consider an insulated lunchbox or freezable gel packs to keep lunches at their safest temperatures.

Practice a safe lunchtime routine with your child: Remind your child of the habits they need to practice each day when they hit the cafeteria.

  • Talk to your child about the lunch bag storage situation and remind them to store their lunch in a cool, dry place out of the sun and away from other heat sources.
  • Discuss hygiene, going over the right way to wash your hands or how to use a sanitary hand wipe before and after their meal.
  • Remind your child to throw out perishable leftovers instead of toting them home (this may not be possible if the school has a waste-free lunch policy). Too many moms and dads have found rotten, stinky surprises in their children's lunch bags!

Sort out sharing rules: You try your best to raise generous kids who share without prompting, and then turn and tell them not to share their lunch food or drinks!

  • In an age-appropriate way, explain to your child why sharing a drink bottle or straw is not a good idea (risk of spreading germs).
  • Talk to your child about why you probably shouldn't swap snacks with a schoolmate (you never know who's allergic to what).

Keep a clean, tidy lunch bag: While you can't control what happens to your child's lunch during the school day, you can work together with your child to keep their lunch bags clean.

  • Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning lunch bags.
  • Teach your child to wipe down and clean their own lunch bag inside and out after they've eaten their school meals.

Food safety starts at home: Follow smart food safety practices when preparing lunches at home.

  • Thoroughly wash your hands before and after handling food.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables well.
  • Keep kitchen surfaces sanitized and have plenty of laundered dishcloths or towels on hand.
  • Pay attention to the "use by" dates on food packaging.
  • Do not reuse plastic bags and food wrappers.

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