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Boost Your Immune System

One way to boost your immune system is by decreasing your stress levels to help keep your immune system at its best, especially during cold and flu season.

When you are stressed out, your body is on overdrive and it can bring your immune system down, which will put you at a higher risk of catching a cold or the flu. Getting enough sleep, eating a balanced and nutritious diet, and avoiding cigarettes or alcohol can help prepare your body to manage stress.

Don’t forget to get some physical activity or do some relaxing activities such as yoga or meditation. It is a good idea to do some regular physical activity to stay healthy and fit. Doing a moderate aerobic activity for 20 to 25 minutes a day will provide many health benefits.

For instance, you can go for a walk or run on nice days or do home exercises when the weather isn’t as great. You don’t have to go outside or to a gym to exercise when there are so many free exercise programs online these days ranging from beginner to advance level. There are even free virtual yoga or meditation programs to help you relax as well. It can be more enjoyable if you try these activities with a family member.

Speak to your Pharmasave Valleyview pharmacist if you have any questions about boosting your immune system.