
Buckley's 24 – 40's, 150 – 200 mL or NeoCitra...
Tena Products
Cadbury Family Bars 80 – 100 g or Chantia Ros...
Lindt Lindor Heart 3 Pack 40 g or Toblerone 1...
Nosh & Co. Popcorn
Ensure Meal Replacement 6 x 235 mL or Glucern...
Store Information

Pharmasave Courtenay is a locally owned and operated family business. We opened November 2024 and are located in the heart of the vibrant Downtown Courtenay community. We are a full service community pharmacy offering vaccinations, prescribing for minor ailments, travel consultations, diabetes consultations, blister packing, medication reviews and in-depth counselling on prescription and over the counter medications. Our goal is to provide personalized, timely, accessible and exceptional care to our community.